
"You NEVER buy me anything"

Today we went grocery shopping. By "we" I mean, myself, my 5 yr old, my 3 yr old, and my 3 month old. Now, normally I don't take all my children with me to by groceries - and today I remembered why.

We get to Walmart, Ben (3 yrs) is in the shopping cart seat, Elizabeth (3 mos) is in my snugli carrier strapped to my body, and Ryan (5 yrs) is told to walk along side the basket. Sounds simple right? I had it all planned out, get in, get groceries, and get out in as short amount of time as possible. Well, that didn't happen. All throughout the store Ryan insists on picking things up off the shelves. "Mom, I want this"..."Mom, can you buy me that"...each question answered with a "no, not today". Now, I don't know what I was thinking - did I really expect Ryan to accept that for an answer? How naive. We continue on with the shopping. I dont know how many times I had told him "no not today" - but finally - he lost it. He threw himself on the ground, screaming and yelling things like "you never buy me anything" & "I don't like you any more" so on and so forth. I told him he needed to be quiet and close his lips. That didn't work. I told him he needed to be the big boy. That didn't work. Finally i told him "we are calling daddy". WOAH man - that didn't help like I thought it would. Ryan screamed even louder. (poor anthony, who was waiting on the other end of my cellphone, probably had his eardrums blown out). People are walking by us thinking im killing this poor child. (Thank GOD i took my B-stress vitamins this morning) So finally, I tried my moms tactic. I let him sit on the floor in the middle of the walmart aisle next to the green beans and throw his fit while I proceeded to shop for the miscellaneous crackers, cookies, and vegetables I needed from that asile. When he was finally done we proceeded on with our shopping, stopping just for a minute to call daddy back and apologize for screaming in his ear. I swore to myself, all the way home from the store, I will NOT take them all shopping again like this - unfortunately, we will need groceries again next week - perhaps next time I should let Ben walk and Ryan sit in the basket...


McBunni said...

Oh man, that stinks! At least you didn't give in. Dr. Phil would agree with you! :) Next time offer to buy Ryan something gross like anchovies or something and say "It's either this or nothing." Hee hee! Well, that could backfire and he would then become obsessed with anchovies craving them every day! :)

heidi said...

wow! yeah i remember that age and i don't look forward to it again with kalaia! hopefully that wont happen..... yeah right.